[ tttturtle-russ.github.io ] . [ tttturtleruss@hust.edu.cn ] . [ +8619855193213 ] PDF
Last Update: 2024.8.12


Huazhong University of Science and Technology (2021-Ongoing)

  • B.S. in School of Cyber Science and Engineering, 86.9/100, 3/20 Rank

Research Experience

Research Assistant, HKUST (2024.6-Present)

  • Find linux kernel courrent vulnerabilities with LLM’s assistant.

Intern, UWM(2024.3-Present)

  • Evaluate LLM’s ability to solve security vulnerabilities such as CTF challenge and real-world CVE.
  • Create a new dataset of CTF and CVE vulnerabilities.
  • Build autonomous agents of different LLMs to solve the challenge dataset.
  • Customize function call for open-source LLM that function call is not enabled.
  • Build a unified docker environment for LLM to solve the given challenge.

Intern, HUST(2023.11-2024.3)

  • Customize mythril module for the given smart contract to detect the token-thief problem.
  • Modify smart contract source code to make it can be statically analyzed.
  • Calculate and simulate the memory layout of state variables in smart contract.
  • Explore mythril’s support for the “external call” keyword and report the issue.


Programming: Golang, Python, C/C++, git

Writing: Markdown, Latex


  • Merit Student of HUST, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (2022).
  • National Cryptography Competition 3rd, Chinese Association for Cryptologic Research (2023)
  • Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2rd, China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2023).

Open Source

  • Linux Kernel Contributor: patches
  • ArchLinux Testing Team
  • ArchLinuxCN Maintainer
  • Kernel SIG Leader of HUST OpenAtom Club